Mohammed Hamaki - Yaly Ghaib
yaly 3'ayeb 3an 3enaya w sayebny w ana alby ma3ak
erga3 tany 7ata sanya w er7am alby ely beyehwak lw f albak loum 3atebny
lw zalamtak youm 7asebny ya 7abiby ezay tesebny nefsy tany a3esh lo2ak
ba32d 7obak mein ya7'odny
mein hadoob w yedoub f 7odny
yaly kont zaman wa3edny
oly eih 3'ayar hawak yaly 3'ayeb 3an 3enaya w sayebny w ana alby ma3ak
erga3 tany 7ata sanya w er7am alby ely beyehwak fat 3aleina youmein
wala fato seneen
w e7na msh 7aseenMohammed Hamaki - Yaly Ghaib -
erga3 keda kefaya
lessa ba7lam beik
lessa ba2y 3aleik
ana mahma 3omry yetool
enta ely gowaya ya3ny hont 3aleik eny ade3 be2edek
da ely etafa2na 3aleih
ezay betensany
tab zanb albak eih
ezay edert 3aleih
da ana alby mestaneh yerga3 f 2a7dany
Mohammed Hamaki - oh absent (English translation)
oh absent and leaving me while my heart is with you
come back again even a second,and have mercy to my heart that loves you
if there is blaming in your heart then blame me
if i were cruel to you one day then give me accompt
oh my beloved how do you leave me i wish i can live seeing you again
who takes me after your love?
who will melt in my arms?
oh the one that were promising me before
tell me who changed your love
oh absent and leaving me while my heart is with you
come back again even a second,and have mercy to my heart that loves you
two days passed by us
and they've been like years
while we can't feelMohammed Hamaki - Yaly Ghaib -
come back, enough so far
i still dream of you
i'm still to you
no matter how much i live
you're the one inside me
so it was easy for you that i was lost in your hands
is that what we agreed about ?
how could you forget me?
so what's your heart's fault?
how could you vanquished it?
my hearts waits for it(ur heart) to come back to my arms