Nicolae Guţă - Daca ochii mei
Daca ochii mei ar putea vb
Cate nopti am plans
Si tu nici tu n-ai vrut sa stii
Daca ochii mei ar putea sa spuna
Cate nopti am plans de cand suntem impreuna 1)Unde esti,dc nu mai vii la mn
De ce vrei sa imi mai vb
Ca de cand tu ai plecat stau in casa numai singura Unde esti de ce oare te-ai ascuns
Dc nu vrei sa-mi vb
Suna-ma,Suna-ma,Suna-maNicolae Guţă - Daca ochii mei -
Numai 2 vb as vrea sa le Refren:
Daca ochii mei ar putea vb
Cate nopti am plans
Si tu nici tu n-ai vrut sa stii
Daca ochii mei ar putea sa spuna
Cate nopti am plans de cand suntem impreuna (Bis)-How many nights ive cried since we are not toghether(bis 2) Te-am vazut de mana cu altcineva
Si-am simtit ca-mi arde inima
TE-am vazut,TE-am vazut te-am vazut
PRin fata mea ai trecut
Nici nu stii cat de mult m-a durut(BIS)
Nicolae Guţă - İf my eyes (English translation)
İf my eyes could talk
How many nights ive cried
And you didnt evan wanna know
İf my eyes could say
How many nighs ive cried since we are not toghether
Where are you,why dont u come to me no more
Why dont you wanna speak to mee no more
Call me ,call me ,call me
Coz since u gone i stay home all alone
Where are you,why did you hide
Why dont you wanna speak to me no more
Call me ,call me, call meNicolae Guţă - Daca ochii mei -
aud din gura ta..From your mouth(from you)...i wanna hear just 2 words
İf my eyes could talk
how many nights ive cried
And u didnt evan wannted to know
İf my eyes could say
2 times)
İ'ved see you hand in hand with somone else
and i felt that my heart is burning
ived saw you i ved saw you ived saw you
You crossed in front of me(u walk..passed)
You dont evan know how much that hurt me