Nicolae Guţă - Visez
E prea tarziu sa-mi pare rau stiu bine
E prea tarziu sa-mi cer iertare ta
E prea tarziu sa fiu din nou cu tine
Dar prea devreme sa te pot uita. Refren (x2)
Si cand dorm uneori
Te visez pana-n zori
In genunchi te rog sa fii cu mine viata mea
Deschid ochii si pleci
Parca nu ma intelegi
Am nevoie de iubire, de iubirea ta. (x2)Nicolae Guţă - Visez -
De atata timp eu ma gandesc la tine
De atata timp eu nu te-am mai vazut
De atatea nopti nu am dormit, iubire
Nu mai am somn, cand stiu ca te-am pierdut Refren (x2)
Si cand dorm uneori
Te visez pana-n zori
In genunchi te rog sa fii cu mine, viata mea
Deschid ochii si pleci
Parca nu ma intelegi
Am nevoie de iubire, de iubirea ta.
Nicolae Guţă - I dream (English translation)
I know well it is too late to apologize
It is too late to beg your forgiveness
It is too late to be with you again
But, too early that I can forget you
Bis (x2)
And when I sleep sometimes
I dream you till dawn
On my knees, I beg you to be with me, my life
I open my eyes, and you've gone
Maybe you don't understand me
I need love... your love .
(x2)Nicolae Guţă - Visez -
For so long, I think of you
For so long, I didn't see you
For so many nights, I didn't sleep , darling
I can't sleep anymore, since I know that I've lost you
Bis (x2)
And when I sleep sometimes
I dream you till dawn
On my knees, I beg you to be with me, my life
I open my eyes, and you've gone
Maybe you don't understand me
I need love... your love .