Nicolae Guţă - Suna telefoanele
Ref1: Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma dobori este greu ... e lege Ca sa ajung sa fac ce-mi place
Sa fac tot ce-mi place
Cu multi am avut de-a face
Am avut de-a face La fraieri si la destepti
Eu am fost atent
Si-am ajuns inteligent
Foarte inteligent Ref2:Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma dobori este greu ... e lege Ref3: Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma dobori este greu ... e lege Susanu: Bine ma descurc
Mama da bine ma descurc
Ce-mi place cand pe dusmanii mei ii incurc
Si banii-mi curg Dau 3 telefoane si vin zeci de milioane
Maruntisul vi-l las voua sa va luati napolitane Vrei sa vezi cum fac cat de repede-i fac
Banii sa-mi vina dar mai bine sa tac
Ca nu vreau sa te atac sa te vad neamuzat
Cand te vad prea sarac n-am chef in stomac Ce rost are ma cert cu tine degeaba
Cand merge treaba
Oficial imi merge bine
Cu mare foc rad de tine De mic am fost pui de dracNicolae Guţă - Suna telefoanele -
Am fost pui de drac
Si-am stiut bani cum sa fac
Banii cum se fac Ref4: Dar acum cine ma-ntrece
Nimeni nu ma-ntrece
Singur eu castig cat 10
Eu castig cat 10 Ref5: Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma dobori este greu ... e lege Ca sa ajung sa fac ce-mi place
Sa fac tot ce-mi place
Cu multi am avut de-a face
Am avut de-a face La fraieri si la destepti eu am fost atent
Si-am ajuns inteligent, foarte inteligent Don Genove: Bineinteles ca-mi merge bine-n toate parca am buzunarele bancomate
Suna telefonul ...
Vin pachete parfumate cu bancote aliniate
Va fac de ras in parte ca ce fac eu nu se mai poate Pot sa fac ce vreau pot sa am tot ce vreau
Sa va iau sa va dau pe loc nu stau vorbim pe sleau
Banii ma plac si la mine toti trag
Nu ti-as da prea multa importanta daca as mai vorbi de tine
Zi-le Guta mai bine , ca sa ii faci de rusine Ref6: Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma dobori este greu ... e lege Ref7: Suna telefoanele ca dracii
Si vin milioanele cu sacii
Ca la mintea ce-o am eu nu-ti merge
Sa ma doborï este greu ... e lege Submitter's comments: can you help me please..
Nicolae Guţă - Phones are ringing (English translation)
Chorus 1:Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law
In order to get to do what I like
to do everything I like
I had to deal with lots of people,
I had to deal with them
With both fools and cunning,
I was very careful
And I became intelligent,
Very intelligent.
Chorus 2:
Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law
Chorus 3:
Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law
Susanu: I rave out,
Mother, I rave out,
How I like when I fool my enemies
And when money pours on me
I can make 3 phone calls and the tens of millions are coming
I'll leave the change to you so you can get yourselves some wafers
You want to see how I make them, how quickly I make
Money come to me, but I'd better shut up
Because I don't want to attack you to see you unamused
When I see you too poor, I feel sick to my stomach
What's the point in arguing with you for nothing
When the business is going well
It's all going well officially
I have a blast laughing at you
Ever since I was a little child I was a devil
I was a devilNicolae Guţă - Suna telefoanele -
And I knew how to make money
How to make money
Chorus 4:
But now who's going to better me
No one can better me
I gain as much as ten people
As ten people
Chorus 5:
Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law
In order to get to do what I like
to do everything I like
I had to deal with lots of people,
I had to deal with them
With both fools and cunning,
I was very careful
And I became intelligent,
Very intelligent.
Mr. Genove: Of course everything's going well for me, my pockets look as if they're cash machines
Phone is ringing...
Here come fragrant packages of lined banknotes
I'll make a fool out of you 'coz what I'm doing, no one else can do
I can do whatever I want to, I can have whatever I want
Take you, give you, I can't stay a second, we're talking cold turkey
Money like me and they all come to me
I wouldn't give you much importance if I ever talked to you again,
Tell them Guta, tell them well, humiliate them
Chorus 6:
Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law
Chorus 7:
Phones are ringing like devils,
And millions are coming in sacks,
With the brains I have, it won't work for you
It's difficult to fell me....that's the law