Nicolae Guţă - Tu esti Trefla dintre asi
Da' tu esti trefla dintre asi
Printesa printre borfasi
Fara tine nu as fi
Da' norocos macar o zi Smechera, smechera tare
Esti de fel si nu-ti sta rau
Niciun barbat nu-i in stare
Sa iti dea ce iti dau eu
Smechera, smechera esti
Si pe toti i-ai zapacitNicolae Guţă - Tu esti Trefla dintre asi -
Pe mine sa ma iubesti
Ca doar eu te-am smecherit O, da ce mai gagica belea
Dar numai eu am loc la ea Poate stii, poate nu stii
Te iubesc ca-n prima zi
Poate crezi sau poate nu,
Te iubesc cu sufletul
Da' misca-te, misca-te asa
Cum faci tu de e obicei
Joaca-te, da' joaca-te cu nervii mei
Nicolae Guţă - Tu esti Trefla dintre asi (English translation)
Yeah, you're the clubs among the aces
The princess among the pack rats
Without you I wouldn't be
Lucky not even for a day
Sharp, really sharp
It's your way of being and it's not bad
No man is able
To give you what I do
Tricky, you're tricky
And you've driven everybody crazyNicolae Guţă - Tu esti Trefla dintre asi -
Love me
Cause I've made you like that
O, what a hot woman
But by her side there's space only for me
Maybe you know, maybe you don't
I love you like the first day
You believe me, or maybe you don't
I love you with my soul
Yeah, move, move like that
Like you usually do
Play, yeah play with my nerves.