Nicolae Guţă - Zi si noapte
Zi si noapte
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Intro' zi.. intr'o zi te'am vazut..
Ochii tai ochii tai mi'au placut..
Si de'atunci si de'atunci ma gandesc
Doar la ochii pe care ii iubesc 2X
Zi si noapte ma gandesc la tine
Doar la tine ma gandesc
Zi si noapte vreau sa fii cu mine
Ochii tai sa ii privesc
Sa adormi mereu la pieptu' meu
Si sa'mi spui ca ma iubeshti,ma iubesti
Si nu ma amagesti
Si nu ma amagesti.. Undeva,undeva te'am zarit..
Cu privirea,cu privirea mi'ai zambit
Si de'atunci zi de zi ma gandesc
Cum zambeai si'mi spuneai TE IUBESC ! 2X
Zi si noapte ma gandesc la tineNicolae Guţă - Zi si noapte -
Doar la tine ma gandesc
Zi si noapte vreau sa fii cu mine
Ochii tai sa ii privesc
Sa adormi mereu la pieptu' meu
Si sa'mi spui ca ma iubeshti,ma iubesti
Si nu ma amagesti
Si nu ma amagesti.. Intro' zi.. intr'o zi te'am vazut..
Ochii tai ochii tai mi'au placut..
Si de'atunci si de'atunci ma gandesc
Doar la ochii pe care ii iubesc 3X
Zi si noapte ma gandesc la tine
Doar la tine ma gandesc
Zi si noapte vreau sa fii cu mine
Ochii tai sa ii privesc
Sa adormi mereu la pieptu' meu
Si sa'mi spui ca ma iubeshti,ma iubesti
Si nu ma amagesti
Si nu ma amagestï..
Nicolae Guţă - Day and Night (English translation)
Day and Night
One day... I saw you one day...
Your eyes I liked your eyes...
And ever since and ever since I only think
About the eyes that I love
Day and night I think about you
You are all I think about
Day and night I want you to be with me
To look into your eyes
To sleep always on my chest
And to tell me you love me, you love me
And dont deceive me
And dont deceive me..
Somewhere, somewhere I have seen you...
With your gaze, with your gaze you smiled to me
And ever since day by day I think
How you were smiling and telling me I LOVE YOU!
Day and night I think about youNicolae Guţă - Zi si noapte -
You are all I think about
Day and night I want you to be with me
To look into your eyes
To sleep always on my chest
And to tell me you love me, you love me
And dont deceive me
And dont deceive me..
One day... I saw you one day...
Your eyes I liked your eyes...
And ever since and ever since I only think
About the eyes that I love
Day and night I think about you
You are all I think about
Day and night I want you to be with me
To look into your eyes
To sleep always on my chest
And to tell me you love me, you love me
And dont deceive me
And dont deceive me..