Belle And Sebastian
Belle And Sebastian

Funny Little Frog Lyrics Catalan translation


Belle And Sebastian - Funny Little Frog

Honey, lovin' you is the greatest thing,
I get to be myself and I get to sing,
I get to play at being irresponsible,
I come home late and love your soul,
I never forget you in my prayers,
I never have a bad thing to report.

You're my picture on the wall,
You're my vision in the hall,
You're the one I'm talking to,
When I get in from my work,
You are my girl, and you don't even know it,
And you're the funny little frog in my throat.

My eyesight's fading, my hearing's dim,
I can't get insured for the state I'm in,
I'm a danger to myself I've been starting fights,
At the party at the club on a Saturday night,
But I don't get disapproving from my girl,
She gets all the highlights wrapped in pearls.

You're my picture on the wall,
You're my vision in the hall,
You're the one I'm talking to,Belle And Sebastian - Funny Little Frog -
When I get in from my work,
You are my girl, and you don't even know it,
I am living out the life of a poet,
I am the jester in the ancient courts,
And you're the funny little frog in my throat.

I had a conversation with you last night,
It was a little one sided but that's all right,
I tell you in the kitchen about my day,
You sit on the bed in the dark changing place,
With the ghost that was there before you came,
You've come to save my,my life again.

I don't dare to touch your hand,
I don't dare to think of you,
In a physical way,
And I don't know how you smell,
You are the cover of my magazine,
You're my fashion tip, a living museum,
I'd pay to visit you on rainy Sundays,
And maybe tell you all about it, someday.

Catalan translation

Belle And Sebastian - Granoteta divertida (Catalan translation)

Nena, estimar-te per mi és el més gran
puc ser jo mateix, puc cantar també
I puc jugar a fer l'irresponsable
arribo tard a casa i estimo la teva ànima,
Mai no t'oblido a les meves pregàries,
i mai no tinc res dolent a dir de tu.

Tu ets l'imatge a la paret
tu ets la visió del rebedor
tu ets a qui sempre parlo
quan arribo de la feina
Tu ets la meva noia i ni tan sols ho saps,
i ets la granoteta divertida de la meva gola.

La meva visió s'esvaneix, la meva oïda s'afebleix
No estic segur de res per l'estat en què estic
Sóc un perill per a mi mateix, he començat algunes baralles,
a la festa del club un dissabte a la nit,
però la meva noia mai no em desaprova
ella té tots els reflexos embolicats amb perles

Tu ets l'imatge a la paret
tu ets la visió del rebedor
tu ets a qui sempre parloBelle And Sebastian - Funny Little Frog -
quan arribo de la feina
Tu ets la meva noia i ni tan sols ho saps,
visc la vida d'un poeta,
sóc el bufó de l'antiga cort
i tu ets la granoteta divertida de la meva gola.

Vaig tenir una xerrada amb tu ahir a la nit
va ser molt parcial però ja està bé
t'explico a la cuina com m'ha anat el dia,
tu seus al llit a les fosques canviant-li el lloc
al fantasma que hi havia abans que arribessis,
has vingut a salvar-me la vida altre cop.

No m'atreveixo a tocar-te la mà,
no m'atreveixo a pensar en tú
en el sentit físic
i no sé quina olor fas
ets la portada de la meva revista
ets el meu consell de moda, un museu vivent,
pagaria per visitar-te els dissabtes plujosos,
i potser explicar-t'ho tot, algun dia.

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