Djordje Balasevic - Devedesete
Mi smo bar imali stare gitare... Poneki bedz na reverima...
Glupo bi zvucalo Je-Je! uz sve ove dileje s revolverima...
Al' zastavu sezdesetih vezle su gramofonske igle...
I put od zute cigle prostr'o se pred nas...
Mi smo bar imali razne Ce Gevare... O-o, i vece prevare...
To mladost piri u dahu kao secer u prahu sa bundevare...
Protesti sedamdesetih vise su bili odraz mode
Jer bokal pun slobode tocen je za nas...
Mi smo bar imali putovanja... Perone, suze, cmakanja...
Crveni pasos bez mane sto prolazi grane bez puno njakanja...
Dnevnici osamdesetih svrljani su na jarke razglednice
Svet je lice sminkao zbog nas...
Mi smo bar imali one snove koji se tesko ostvare...
A snovi najcesce vrede tek kad s tobom osede... Kad s tobom ostare...
Nije bas sve na kantaru... Citavo cudo kupi lova
Ali snova nema piratiranih...
Onda su dosle devedesete, tuzne i nesretne... Opake...
Gospod je barut primirisao pa ladno zbrisao za oblake...Djordje Balasevic - Devedesete -
E, kad vec puknu ustave nema nam spasa dok se reke ne zaustave...
No, i taj dan ce svanuti...kad-tad
Onda su dosle devedesete, tuzne i nesretne... Fobicne...
U udzbenike i u citanke usle su bitange... Obicne...
Kasno je da se panici... Dali smo sansu da se ludilo ozvanici...
A sad smo prosto zgranuti?
Mi smo bar imali neke veze s planetom i sa ljudima...
Znalo se ko togu nosi a ko cvetic u kosi... O, blago ludima...
Danas se laz odvazila... A zadnja bagra kroji moral...
Pa je OK koral dignut oko nas...
Ma, jebite se, Devedesete, vas mogu jedino psovati...
Za vama niko nece zaliti niti vam stihove kovati...
Jednu ste mladost sludele, budite sretne ako vam i strofu udele...
Pred crkvom pravih vrednosti...
Ma, jebite se, Devedesete, i vasa prica je gotova...
I dabogda se nikad ne sete svih ovih protuva i skotova...
Kad zakon metlom zamane... Ili ih pusti da se medjusobno tamane...
Sto ima svojih prednosti.
Djordje Balasevic - Devedesete (English translation)
At least we had those old guitars.. A badge or two on our lapels
Yeah-yeah! would sound so dumb with these crazy people with guns..
But the flag of sixties has been made by styluses
And the yellow brick road has spread before us..
At least we had different Che Guevaras, o-o and some major deceptions
Thats the youth blowing (in breath-i have no idea how to translate this), like a sugar powder on a pumpkin pie
Protests of seventies were more of a fashion detail
Because a jug full of freedom has been poured for us.
At least we had travels... Train stations, tears, smoochings..
A red flawless passport that could cross any border without any grumping..
Diaries of eighties were scratched on flashy postcards..
The world was wearing make up cuz of us..
At least we had those dreams thats hard to fullfill
and the dreams are only worth when they grow grey and old with you
you can't measure everything, money can buy lots of stuff
but the dreams are unique..
and then those ninties came, sad and unlucky.. mean..
god smelled the gunpowder and then coldly escaped behind the cloudsDjordje Balasevic - Devedesete -
Well, after they break constitutions, there is no escape untill the rivers stop
but That day will come.. sooner or later
Then the ninties came, sad and unlucky.. phobic
No-good bastards fill the pages of students's books..
its too late to panic, we gave the chance for madness to become public
and now we are, like, astonished?
at least we had some connections with planet and the people
it has been known who's wearing a toga and who's wearing a flower in his hair, oh lucky insane people..
The Lie has become courageous and the scumbags are preaching about moral
Pa je OK koral dignut oko nas...So OK CORAL has been built around us..
Well, **** you , Ninties, i can only curse you
no one will cry for you or write songs about you
you ****ed up the whole generation and you'll be lucky if you only get a refrain
in front of the church of real values
well, **** you, Ninties, your story is over
and may we never remember all those low-lives and bastards
after they face the law.. or let them kill each other
which has its advantages.