Iron Maiden - Killers
You walk through the subway
His eyes burn a hole in your back
A footstep behind you
He lunges prepared for attack
Scream for mercy
He laughs as he's watching you bleed
Killer behind you
His blood lust defies all his needs
My innocent victims
Are slaughtered with wrath and despise
The mocking religion
Of hatred that burns in the night
I have no one
I'm bound to destroy all this greed
A voice inside me
Compelling to satisfy me
I can see
What a knife's meant to be
You'll never know
How I came to forsee, see, see
My faith in believingIron Maiden - Killers -
Is stronger than lifelines and ties
The glimmer of metal
My moment is ready to strike
The death call arises
A scream breaks the still of the night
Another tomorrow
Remember to walk in the light
I have found you
And now there is no place to run
Excitement shakes me
Oh God help me what have I done?
I've done it again
You walk through the subway
My eyes burn a hole in your back
A footstep behind you
He lunges prepared for attack
Scream for mercy
He laughs as he's watching you bleed
Killer behind you
My blood lust defies all my needs
Ooh look out, I'm coming for you
Iron Maiden - Ubojice (Bosnian translation)
Hodaš kroz metro, njegove te oči sijeku poput mača
Jeka koraka je iza tebe, zamahuje oštricom spremnom za napad
Vrisni za milost, on se smije dok te gleda kako krvariš
Ubojica iza tebe, njegova strast za krvlju prkosi njegovim potrebama
Moje nevine žrtve su poklane u gnjevu i preziru
Podrugljivu religiju mržnje koji gori u noći
Ja nikoga nemam, dužan sam da uništim ovu pohlepu
Glas u meni me prisiljava da mi ugodi
Znam za šta je namijenjen nož
A ti nikad sazanati nećeš kako sam predvidjeo
Moja vjera u vjerovanje je ječa od konopca za spasavanje i spojnih greda
Uz treperenje metala moja snaga zamaha je spremna da udari
Zov smrti se diže, vrisak prekida tišinu noćiIron Maiden - Killers -
Još sutra, nemoj da zaboraviš da hodaš po svjetlu
Pronašao sam te, i sada nemaš gdje pobjeći
Uzbuđenje me trese, pomozi mi, Bože, šta sam učinio?!
Učinio sam to!
Hodaš kroz metro, njegove te oči sijeku poput mača
Jeka koraka je iza tebe, zamahuje oštricom spremnom za napad
Vrisni za milost, on se smije dok te gleda kako krvariš
Ubojica iza tebe, njegova strast za krvlju prkosi njegovim potrebama
Čuvaj se, dolazim po tebe!