Nancy Ajram - Moudhesh
Moudhesh bekol awsafak
jamalak ghareeb
ye7ebak kol man shafak
ye7esak 7abeeb
Ghareeb! Sob7an meen abda3ak
feek el 7esen kella
w el gamar lo yelma7ak
yetkhabba fe zellaNancy Ajram - Moudhesh -
7atta el 3aleel fe hawak
lo shafak yeteeb
Ghareeb! Allah meen kamallak
ben el bashar wa7dak
ya 7elw ma ajmalak ma 7ad wasal 7addak
enta bjamalak malak
w bse7rak 3ajeeb
Nancy Ajram - Astonishing (English translation)
Your Astonishing with all of your details
Your beauty is strange
Who ever sees you, falls in love
They feel your their lover
Praise who have made you
You have all of the goodness (beauty)
If the moon sees you
It would hide in its shadowNancy Ajram - Moudhesh -
Even if the sick by you
When they see you, he will be cured
God who have made you
Made you one of a kind
You pretty, how beautiful you are
No one has reached your place
With your looks your a king
With your magic, strange