Moein - Havas
baraye man neveshte
gozashte ha gozashte
tamame ghesseham havas bod
baraye o neveshtam
baraye to havas bod
vali baraye man nafas bod kashki khabar nadashti
divuneye negatam
ye moshte khake nachiz
oftadee be zire patam
kashki sedaye ghalbet
nabod sedaye ghalbam
kashki nagofte bodamMoein - Havas -
ta vaghte joon dadan bahatam neveshte har che bod tamom shod
neveshtam omre man haroom shod
neveshte raftee ze yadam
neveshtam sham'e ro be badam
neveshte dar delam havas mord
neveshtam del toye ghafas mord kashki nabaste bodam
zendegimo be cheshmat
kashki nakhorde bodam
be sadegi faribe harfat la'nat be man
ke asoon be yek negat shekastam
be in dele divune rahe gorizo sade bastam
Moein - The fancy (English translation)
she has written to me
"let bygones be bygones (forget about the past)
(and) my stories were all just a fancy"
I wrote to her
"they were a fancy for you
but (they were) breath for me"
I wish you didn't understand
that I'm crazy about your gaze
a handful of earth
under your feet
I wish your heart's voice
wasn't my heart's voice
I wish I didn't sayMoein - Havas -
that "I'm with you until death"
she wrote "everything is over"
I wrote "my life was wasted"
she wrote "I forgot you"
I wrote "I'm a candle in the wind"
she wrote "passion died in my heart"
I wrote "my heart died in prison"
I wish I hadn't depended
my life on your eyes
I wish I didn't believe
your words so simply
damn me
that I broke simply with one gaze
I closed the escape route for this crazy heart