Googoosh - Katibeh
سقف ما هر دو یه سقف دیوارامون یه دیوار
آسمون یه آسمون بهارامون یه بهار
اما قلبامون دوتا دستامون از هم جدا
گریه هامون تو گلو خنده هامون بی صدا نتونستم نتونستم تو رو بشناسم هنوز
تو مثل گنگی رمز توی یک کتیبه ایGoogoosh - Katibeh -
که همیشه با منی اما برام غریبه ای هنوزم ما می تونیم خورشید رو از پشت ابر صدا کنیم نمی تونیم
می تونیم بهارو با زمین خسته آشنا کنیم نمی تونیم هم شب و هم گریه ایم درد تو درد منه
بگو هم غصه بگو دیگه وقت گفتنه
بغض ما نمی تونه این سکوت رو بشکنه
مردم از دست سکوت یکی فریاد بزنه
Googoosh - Epigraph (English translation)
Our roof, both are the same. Our walls, are common walls.
The sky covers us both. We shared the spring.
But our hearts are separate and our hands separated.
Our cries are stuck in our throats, our laughter is silent.
I couldn't have! I couldn't have known you yet!
Your unfamiliarity is like the in-scripted code of an epigraph
that has always been with me, but remains a stranger.
If we wan't we can call back the sun from behind the clouds
Can't we?Googoosh - Katibeh -
We can reconcile spring with the burnt ground
Can't we?
You've been my Partner of the night, partner in crying.
Your pain is my pain.
Tell me your pain, tell me! Now is the time to tell
My longing to cry is not enough to break this silence.
The silence is killing me. Can one of us please say something!