Florence + The Machine - All this and heaven too
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations
In the grand days of great men and the smallest of gestures
And short shallow gasps But with all my education I can't seem to command it
And the words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged
And I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how
I can't seem to understand it And I would give all this and heaven too
I would give it all if only for a moment
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever but it never makes sense to me at all And it talks to me in tiptoes
And it sings to me insideFlorence + The Machine - All this and heaven too - http://motolyrics.com/florence-plus-the-machine/all-this-and-heaven-too-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
It cries out in the darkest night and breaks in the morning light But with all my education I can't seem to command it
And the words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged
And I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how
I can't seem to understand it And I would give all this and heaven too
I would give it all if only for a moment
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever but it never makes sense to me at all And I would give all this and heaven too
I would give it all if only for a moment
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever but it never makes sense to me at all No, words are a language
It doesn't deserve such treatment
And all of my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling All this heaven never could describe such a feeling as I'm hearing Words were never so useful
So I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before
Florence + The Machine - Sve ovo i raj takodje (Serbian translation)
I srce je teško da se prevede
Ima sopstveni jezik
I priča i okreće se i uzdiše
I sadašnje proklamacije
U čuvenim danima čuvenih ljudi
I najmanji gestovi
I kratki plitki uzdasi
Ali sa svim mojim obrazovanjem
Izgleda da ne mogu da mu komandujem
I reči se preskaču
Ivraćaju uništene
I vratiću ih u poeziju
Samo kada bi znala kako
Izgleda da ne razumem
I dala bi sve ovo i raj takodje
Dala bi sve za momenat
Kadai bi jednostavno mogla da razumem
Značenje reči kojih vidišFlorence + The Machine - All this and heaven too - http://motolyrics.com/florence-plus-the-machine/all-this-and-heaven-too-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Zato što sam ih stalno žvrljala
Ali nikada nisu imale značaj za mene
I razgovara sa mnom prstima
I peva mi iznutra
Plače u najmračnijoj noći
I lomi se na dnevnoj svetlosti
Ali sa svim mojim obrazovanjem
Izgleda da ne mogu da mu komandujem
I reči se preskaču
Ivraćaju uništene
I vratiću ih u poeziju
Samo kada bi znala kako
Izgleda da ne razumem
(Refren x2)
Ne, reči su jezik
To ne zaslužuje takvo poštovanje
Sve moje spoticajne fraze
Nikada nisu uspele da urade nešto vredno ovog osećanja
Sav ovaj raj nikada ne bi mogao da opiše
Takav osećaj kao što sam ovde
Reči nikada nisu bile korisne dok nisam vrištala
Jezik za koji nisam znala da je postojao